A 2-days meeting in Rome, at the University of International Studies of Rome marks the start of the Governance and Thematic Projects, falling under the Sustainable Tourism Mission. In an event with the participation of more than 80 organisations, comprising 10 cooperation projects, Avgerinos Avgerinou (READ S.A.), Chiara Guiggiani (FRI), and Yiannis Geragotellis (KiNNO INNOVATION INTERMEDIARIES) –represented our project, connecting with like-minded individuals dedicated to promoting sustainability in tourism.

The event gave our team the opportunity to get to know the other projects of the Mission, to network and to inquire into possible synergies. Our activities were shared with the audience as part of the SustainableTourism Thematic projects, highlighting where collaboration can take place and synergies can apply.
During the 2nd day of the event, our team participated in the 1st MED Clusters Annual Meeting actively joining forces and sharing experiences with experts in Innovation, across the Interreg Euro-MED Programme area to solve key sustainable tourism challenges.
The TOURISMO partnership is preparing to implement 8 pilot testing actions across the region, for tackling overtourism, by utilizing advanced technologies such as open-big-smart data, ICT tools, thermal cameras, drones, sensors, and more.